Anyone who suffers from digestive problems frequently knows how much they can impact your day to day life. They may occur due to a number of reasons- bacteria in food, infections, stress, any particular medications you may be on, or chronic medical conditions like Colitis, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. Listen, no matter what the cause of your digestive troubles may be, we can all agree on the fact that they can be incredibly uncomfortable and bothersome. Not to mention they can also be lead to potential embarrassments while you’re out in public. Good news is, common digestive problems such as bloating, nausea, reflux, or constipation have easy fixes. Most of these fixes involve what you put into your body i.e. your diet.
Whether you want to try a natural, home remedy for your digestive issues or just want to improve your digestive process, we have just the thing for you! Following is a list of eight incredible teas you can brew to bid goodbye to all your digestive ailments.
Ginger Tea- You probably guessed it. Ginger tea is the king of healthy beverages and the list of medicinal benefits it has is…well endless. But more specifically, when it comes to digestion ginger helps stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and gastric juices which break down food. As an added benefit, it aids metabolism and eases digestive issues such as bloating or cramps. It’s the whole package, which is also why it’s first on our list.
Green tea- Green tea is probably the one tea that makes it on every tea-lovers’ cupboard simply because of how versatile it is and how impressive its list of benefits are. Green tea contains catechins such as EGCG which help boost the digestive system. These catechins offer anti-inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation in the stomach, and thereby helping fight bloating and cramps. EGCG may also help treat certain cases of colitis. Green tea also assists with weight loss (probably why it is so popular globally).
Chamomile tea- Chamomile is a natural sedative and is widely known and loved as a soothing bedtime drink. It calms the mind and body and relaxes the senses. Moreover, it also soothes the digestive tract and alleviates stomach pains. Chamomile aids in inhibiting the production of pepsin which is a digestive enzyme. The problem that occurs is when too much pepsin is produced and it reaches the oesophagus causing the sensation of acid reflux. Chamomile tea regulates its production. It is also very commonly used to treat diarrhoea as it calms the stomach.
Black tea- Black tea is primarily associated with gut health. Black tea contains polyphenols which boost the population of healthy bacteria in the gut. These bacteria are not just good for the digestive system and gut health but overall immunity. According to some studies, Black tea is also known to be particularly effective in preventing Salmonella and Helicobacter pylori which is responsible for stomach ulcers.
Licorice tea- Licorice root tea has been used for hundreds of years in Asia to treat digestive issues. Known for preventing painful stomach ulcers, Licorice tea ensures this by stimulating production of mucin which is a compound that lines the stomach and protects it from excess exposure to acid. When paired with other teas such as lemon balm, the blend has shown properties that help fight colic by reducing spasms in the intestines.
Oolong tea- Another staple in lists involving healthful beverages, Oolong is a semi-oxidized tea that boasts antiseptic qualities. These qualities help fight off bacteria that can cause stomach upsets. Another benefit of the tea is that it has a basic pH level which means it reduces the symptoms of acid reflux. Along with Green tea, Oolong is very useful in shedding some extra pounds by quickening your metabolic rate. Generally after having a large meal, Oolong tea can assist in breaking down fatty foods and is recommended.
Peppermint tea- Next on the list, Peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is a popular for its refreshing aroma and the tingly sensation it generates with each sip. But it’s more than just a rejuvenating tea in that it can reduce stomach inflammation making it particularly effective in fighting painful stomach upsets and gas. Its menthol and menthone content soothe the stomach lining as well as the intestines. Not only that, it also fights off bad bacteria. Peppermint tea is ridiculously good for your stomach! Did you know it can alleviate the pain caused by IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) too? Now you do.
Fennel tea- Fennel has also been traditionally used to treat digestive ailments including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation. Even one daily serving of Fennel tea has shown to help regulate bowel movements of individuals struggling with constipation which coincidentally also is a cause of bloating and major discomfort.
Any one or more of these teas can be used on a regular basis to help you combat your digestive issues organically and at home. All you need is a cuppa and some control over your diet. Because no matter how many cups of herbal tea you drink, if you keep on eating junk food, you’ll see no results. Remember, it’s all about balance and moderation.